Tiling options
Tiling options


8 March 2023 

One of the things we cover in your free initial no obligation consultation which includes our 20 year wet area guarantee, is your tiling options. There are so many choices, from what your tile is made of, for example porcelain, to patterns, colours, finishes, borders and more.

Tiling in your home can really give your home a ‘wow’ factor, if it is done professionally by qualified Tilers. We are award winning builders in Melbourne, which includes being an award winning and qualified Tiler.

Having tiling that is low maintenance is also something to consider. Making sure your tiling is waterproofed correctly is important as unseen leaks can cause structural damage and health problems with black mould and related dampness issues.

If you have any questions about our free consultation, or if you would like to book an appointment, give us a call. One of our friendly and helpful staff members will be happy to help.

Or this link will get you through to our quick interactive form if you want to contact us online. There are also lots of images on our site of work we have done, including images of winners of Channel 9’s popular TV program, ‘The Block’.
