2nd storey renovations
2nd storey renovations


23 May 2023 

If you have a growing family or need some office space to be able to work comfortably from home read on…. Another popular choice of renovations in Melbourne at the moment is to have 2nd storey renovations done to your existing home.

And, just like the previous post below mentioned, this can save you with time and costs related to moving, selling your existing home and buying another.

A second storey can be a great way to have a parents retreat or separate space for teenage children or even a purpose-designed workspace so that you can work from home in comfort and have all the resources you need to be able to work efficiently.

Like all renovations, a second storey has advantages and disadvantages which will depend on your personal circumstances, existing home, land size, budget etc.

If you have any questions about our free consultation, or if you would like to book an appointment, give us a call. One of our friendly and helpful staff members will be happy to help.
