Builders Melbourne
Quotation process
Quotation process


11 April 2023 

After we provide you with our free consultation, our quotation process includes lots of ideas to consider and finding out exactly what you want and need in your building or renovation project. We then provide you with a written quotation.

Our written quotation includes a fixed price and time to complete the work you are having done. Some of the benefits of a fixed price and time to complete are detailed in further posts above this one.

That quotation will be valid for set time and that set time depends on the work that we are quoting. We will let you know how long your quote  will be valid at your initial consultation.

If you have any questions about our free consultation, or if you would like to book an appointment, give us a call. One of our friendly and helpful staff members will be happy to help.

Or this link will get you through to our quick interactive form if you want to contact us online. There are also lots of images on our site of work we have done, including images of winners of Channel 9’s popular TV program, ‘The Block’.
