Builders Melbourne
Smart home options
Smart home options


6 April 2023 

In our free consultation with you, we offer lots of options, and one of those options that is becoming more and more popular is about smart homes. 

Smart home options are no longer just about innovation and technology. Now your options include cost and environmental savings too.

We are smart home experts and we look forward to giving you lots of great ideas about having a smart home and its many benefits.

Just  a few really popular smart home options that are being installed a lot these days are smart bathrooms, with touchless taps and smart lighting so your lights come on and off as you enter the room. These are great to save time, to help save money and they are environmentally friendly too.

There are other power and water saving options that we discuss, such as solar, tank water, grey water etc.

There are a lot of considerations, such as costs, how advanced you want your smart home to be etc, that we go through in your initial consultation.

If you have any questions about our free consultation, or if you would like to book an appointment, give us a call. One of our friendly and helpful staff members will be happy to help.

Or this link will get you through to our quick interactive form if you want to contact us online. There are also lots of images on our site of work we have done, including images of winners of Channel 9’s popular TV program, ‘The Block’. 
