Builders Melbourne
Tiling Specialist
Tiling Specialist


16 September 2024

We are your local tiling specialist and our tiling work is just one of our many specialties. Not only is our tiling of the highest quality workmanship, it is also sealed professionally using only the best quality materials available.

All of our Tilers are qualified and experienced in both their trade and customer service too. That means not only do you get a great job done, your customer service just keeps getting better.

As floor to ceiling tiles become more and more popular because of the reduced maintenance when it is compared to painted walls, you can be confident that you will get a quality finish that not only looks great but is also fully waterproofed and guaranteed for 20 years too.

We offer you a large range of tiling patterns to select from and we work with you to make sure you are getting tiles that you love.  Quality tiling can also make your property more popular which can have a positive impact on its valuation and saleability if you decide to sell your property.

Our no obligation FREE consultation with a fixed price and time to complete your project quotation means you can have peace of mind regarding your budget and finances and the timing of your project. 

Knowing when you are going to be able to take possession of your newly renovated home, custom built home, luxury home, or property development can make a big difference to your planning – and budget! Our industry leading completion times, means you won’t have the frustrations and delays that so many people have when they deal with many other custom builders, renovators or property developers in and around Melbourne and Bayside suburbs. 

With 15 years of experience and hundreds of happy clients, we are usually able to offer ideas and concepts that you have not considered. This link will take you to our gallery where you will see lots of images of work we have done in and around Melbourne and local Bayside suburbs, including images of the winners of Channel 9’s popular TV program, ‘The Block’.

If you are interested in more information about our 20 year wet area guarantee, this link will get you through to all the information you need to know We also have a FAQ page if you have questions and would like them answered straight away.

This link will take you to our About page, where you can find out all about our experience, qualifications, insurances and more. This is the link to our services page, that lists some of the most common building services we provide. This is the link to all of the benefits you have if we are your custom builders, renovators or property developers.

You can give us a call, our direct phone number is on the top right of our website. One of our helpful team members will be happy to answer any questions and or make an appointment for you. 

Or if you prefer to contact us online, we have a quick interactive form on our website at this link.

And if you are reading this somewhere else apart from our home page, this is the link to our website

We have recently moved to Moorabbin, and will let you know here in these updates, when our new office is open.
