Our Qualifications
Melbourne Builders


22 August, 2022.

Our Qualifications

At Professional Residential, we are Melbourne Builders with the highest possible building registration licence with the VBA. It is an ‘Unlimited Domestic Builders Licence’ and our licence number is CDB-U 51352.

Make sure whichever home builder in Melbourne that you choose, that they not only have an Unlimited Domestic Builders Licence, but that they give you their licence number. You can confirm that their licence is valid witht the VBA at this link https://consumer.etoolbox.buildingcommission.com.au/Pages/Search.aspx

Our Unlimited Builders Licence with the VBA not only enables us to do all stages of all residential and home building work in Melbourne, we are also qualified, certified, licensed, insured  and experienced to be able to approve and sign off on all work. This adds to the efficiency of the work we do and is a big part of the fact that we have  industry leading completion time frames.

At Professional Residential and home builders, we comply with all of the VBA requirements and more.

And, we are always looking for ways to improve our quality control  and customer service, to continue to be award winning, and the best home builders in Melbourne.

In the next post above this one, there are details about how the VBA protects your home and the safety of you and your loved ones or tenants.

If you would like to contact us with an interactive online form, this is the link. https://professionalresidential.com.au/contact/
